Granting Access Level "View All User’s Schedulers" for a Standard User

Question:  How do I grant a user the ability to view all user’s schedules?

Pre-set Conditions:

  • First, the only user who can grant access to view all user’s schedulers is the Super Admin.
  • Second, the default to see everyone’s schedule is granted automatically to Super Admins and Administrators.


Step #1 - The Super Admin would open Setup à Users found on the ribbon 


  Setup #2 – Select the user from the list of users



 Step #3

  1. First, click the [Edit] button
  2. Then click the Customized tab
  3. Select “View All User’s Schedule” under Denied Area
  4. Next, click the right-pointing arrow to move your selection to Allowed Areas


Step #4

  1. Verify the View All User’s Scheduler is under Allowed Areas
  2. Click the [Save] button to update the user access



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